September 30, 2012

A biker's dream.

Jacket Dean Ocean - FATEwear New.
Jeans Jake lake - FATEwear New.
Gloves Dexter - FATEwear New.
Bike The Bullet - BUR Motorcycles. Love this bike and for 499ls the buy of the week for me lol.

Kauna for Fameshed sequel.

Hello guys!
I have to show some other Camo pants, you all can be wild soldiers now.
The jumper is the same as my preview post, just played with the Colour hud.
Taxi to Fameshed remember new round starts at the 1st - Fameshed.
And one to the mainstore - Kauna.
Oh and to Ross stop taking drugs will ya :)

September 29, 2012

New FATEwear releases.

Derrick coat is released in 5 colours, and the great matching Roy pants also in 5.
The Coat has a turtle neck or can be worn without.
Got more releases that i will show soon in this theater. 
Coat Derrick - FATEwear.
Pants Roy - FATEwear.
Hair b&g 36 - Dura.


New from Kauna, Military jumper for Fameshed.

And the cool releases keep coming, another preview for Fameshed.
This time from one of my favorite stores in SL Kauna.
The military jumper has allot of colour options, i was playing with the hud, and at one point i looked like My little pony, so the colour options are unlimited, all to change with a great hud.
The camo pants are work in progress, but very likely also going to be released at the fameshed event.
Military colour change mesh Jumper - Kauna @ Fameshed.
Keep in mind the new round of fameshed starts at the first of October.
And a ride to the mainstore - Kauna Main.
The Beret is from Tonktastic.

September 28, 2012

New by Ispachi, The Fortis hooded Tshirts for Fameshed.

Ello guys!
Great New release from Ispachi, the hooded Tshirts are released in 6 Colours.
And they are divided in faces that can be changed by a hud.
I am going show 2 Colours today , so its easy to see how it can be changed.
The changes are done with a fast hud , and you can change 4 faces.
The hooded Tshirts going to be exclusive released in the upcoming new round of Fameshed.
The other Colours i will show in a later post.
Fortis Hooded Tshirts - Ispachi @ Fameshed.
The new round will be from 1 October till the 27th.
After that they are going to be at the Mainstore.
And one to the mainstore - Ispachi Main.
Jeans by FATEwear.


New Release from AITUI, ''When the beast'' Tattoo.

When the beast Tattoo - AITUI. New
Legit pants - Epicosity.
Sneakers - [JP]:Dsg.
Boxers - Toritire.
Enjoy your Weekend guys :) 

September 27, 2012

New Funky shirts by Egoisme.

Second Life
All shirts by - Egoisme.
John jeans - FATEwear.
Jacob's ladder shoes - Adjunct.
Love is blind Tattoo - Aitui.
Poses by Stakey.

September 25, 2012

Goodnight Grandma.

Ello Guys!
This outfit makes me feel like John Boy Walton.
 The Cardigan i found in a for me new shop called Bufu.
A really colourful funky shop, and with very affordable prices.

Full Credits:
Hair b&g 36 - Dura.
Marley Sunglasses - Cheerno.
Steel classic business shirt - Redgrave.
White T - Guarded Cross.
Executive Grey chino pants - Ispachi.
Chukka desert Grey shoes - Harbor.

September 23, 2012

New Releases from Exile & Redgrave.

Broken strings Mesh hair - Exile.
Tat Ocean planet - Sleepy Bozer.
Tank Bruce - FATEwear.
Jeans Jack - FATEwear.
Walkers boots - Redgrave.
Bracelets - Mandala.

FATEwear Casuals.

Lake jeans John FATEwear.
Lou shirt in winter forrest colour - FATEwear.
Dura b&g 36 hair - Dura.
Friendo Bracelet - Miel.
Pro Spec shoes - 2Real.

September 21, 2012

New mesh Leather Jackets & Tees, from J.H.Couture.

Another great release, from J.H.Couture.
Leather jackets in Black & Brown with included Tshirt.
There are 3 different style Tees to choose from, and the good news is, you get 4 different colours a style.
And the printed picture one has 4 different prints, so buy 1 jacket and get 4 different Tees.
There is also a bonus jeans included, that fits great with the jacket.
Enjoy your Weekend!!

September 19, 2012

Hipster Nerd.

Hello guys.
First of all today is the 30th birthday of the first smiley, appeared in the computer world.
The stuff i teach u guys eh :)
Ok i am wearing the New Diva Vision glasses from Egoisme.
And the awesome new hair from Dura.

All Credits: 
Diva Vision glasses - Egoisme. New released in Six Colours.
Hair b&g 36 - Dura. New
Gray Trench coat - Epicosity.
Camera Tee - Gio.
Jack lagoon jeans - FATEwear.
CP sneakers - Ordinary Designs.


September 18, 2012

Exclusive release from 22769 Casual Couture Homme.

22769 released exclusive for the gallery gift shop event, this great outfit.
It's a knitjumper with shirt and nice denims, for only 190ls a steal really.
Quality original mesh in standard sizes.
Knitjumper, shirt and denims  - 22769 @ The gallery gift shop event.
And a ride to the mainstore, for those not knowing this brand - 22769 Casual Couture homme.
Enjoy >:)

September 17, 2012

New Louis mesh Polo Shirts by J.H.Couture.

Classic polo shirts release today, in standard mesh sizes and 5 Colours.
They also include a free nice none mesh jeans, that matches perfect with the shirt.
Louis Polo Shirt & jeans - J.H.Couture Mensworld.
Sneakers by Hoorenbeek.
Enjoy >:)

September 16, 2012

Grey Sunday.

Casual M4 mesh blazer - Kal Rau.
Blue mesh jeans - Kal Rau.
Lighting bolt sneakers - Arcade Gacha event.
Hair27 - iruco.
Marley Sunglasses - Cheerno.
Poses by Stakey.

September 15, 2012

New Corduroy Hood Jackets from J.H.Couture.

Nice new jackets for the upcoming seasons.
Corduroy hood mesh jackets, released in 5 Colours.
There is also a wool plaid version, that i am going to show in another post
Full credits:
Oscar mesh Corduroy hoodie jackets - J.H.Couture.
Jack pants & Vinnie Tees - FATEwear.
Thunderbolt shoes Deco - Gacha Arcade event. 
Hair 27 Brown - Iruco.
Pictures taken at Izzies Mainstore. 

September 14, 2012

New expansion packs for the Kauna 2pcs suits.

Hello Guys!
More extra goodies, to pimp up the great 2pc suits from Kauna.
New Ties, bowtie's and pocketchiefs, in great patterns and colours, i tried to picture as much as i could.
But there are way more i like, so go check the big vendor in the store.
It gives the suit a great look.
Enjoy your weekend >:)

FATEwear New John pants & William Shirts.

Ello guys.
More FATEwear goodies the John pants and William shirts.
I am gonna show a couple combinations, the shoes are supreme sneakers from [JP]:Dsg.
Ride to FATEwear - FATEwear Mainstore.
Have a great Weekend!

Colours John pants in lake, William shirt in Forrest.

Colours Tundra pants & Ocean shirt.

Colours, Tundra shirt & Lagoon pants.
Enjoy >:)

September 13, 2012

New By Kal Rau M4 Casual blazers & New Waxworx Sven shape.

Ello Guys.
Kal Rau his new blazers are very hip looking, love the washed texture look of them.
The come with 32 Tee's included and a none Tee option as well.
I am showing all the 4 colour blazers.
The shape i am using is the latest release from WaxworX Sven, great shape and comes in different sizes and options, if you'r looking to change your look go visit this store.
Casual M4 blazers - Kal Rau. marketplace link: Kal Rau @ Marketplace.
Sven Shape - WaxworX.
All pants showing - Kal Rau.
All shoes by - Hoorenbeek.
Hair 33 - Dura.
Chill poses - Stakey.


September 12, 2012

New from J.H.Couture, Denim hoodies.

Hello Guys!
New release from J.H Couture, the Oscar mesh Denim hoods.
Nice hoodies for the Autumn, 5 colours to choose from, and in standard mesh sizes.
Also check out the jeans i am wearing from the same store, they are still one of my favorites.
Full Credits:
Oscar mesh Denim hoodies - J.H.Couture.
Paul mesh jeans - J.H.couture.
Tee's black & white - Guarded Cross.
Hair 37 - Dura.
Dr H. shoes - Hoorenbeek.

Enjoy >:)

September 11, 2012

September 10, 2012

Casual with FATEwear.

More FATEwear, the great Jack pants, that are available in several colours.
And the Bruce tank, that i am wearing without an alpha layer, this stuff has the greatest fit really
Also wearing the Charley blocked shirt, that has a cool fading colour texture.
Expect some more posts from this new store soon.
Jeans Jack, Tank Bruce, Shirt Charley - FATEwear.
Dessert boots - Hoorenbeek.
Hair 27 - Iruco.

September 9, 2012

New from Gabriel mesh Rollup casual suits.

Hello guys!
Gabriel Released the rollup casual suits.
Loose fit great funky suits, for a bit less formal events.
They are released in 5 colours, and come with fab included shoes, and a colour change belt.

September 8, 2012

More FATEwear goodies.

As promised more New releases from FATEwear.
And there are gonna be more posts lol, so much nice stuff released.
Showing the Jack pants with the Vince shirt
Jack London pants & Vince arctic ocean  shirt - FATEwear.
Blue Fabrik shoes - SHI.
Friendo bracelet - Miel.
Hair27- Iruco.
Feeling groovy necklace - Earthstones

September 7, 2012

FATEwear is opening Today!

Hello Guys.
At midnight SL time, FATEwear the New male clothing store is opening.
The creator behind this store is Damien Fate, the talented creator behind Cold Logic.
And he is imho one of the best mesh creators on the grid.
I am going to show several clothes the next days, but kicking of with this awesome Smith suit.
Taxi - FATEwear.
Poses by HISpose.

News from Cracked Mirror for Mens Dept.

And another Mens Dept post its such a great cycle this month.
The Timothy sweaters are from Cracked Mirror.
And they have a great fit and look, And like all stuff at this event very affordable priced.
Full Credits:
Timothy Blue striped Sweater - Cracked Mirror @ Mens Dept.
Green Skinny pants - Kal Rau.
Supreme Sneakers - [JP]:Dsg.
Hair27- Iruco.
Enjoy >:)

New Sleepy Bozer tattoo, for The Mens Dept.

Sleepy Bozer has this great Tat out for the The Mens Dept.
It's called Ocean Planet and it has great Colours and Details.
Quick ride - Mens Dept.
Dark jeans M2 - Kal Rau.
Black hair 27 - Iruco.
Gray Highpad sneakers - [JP]:Dsg.
Enjoy your Friday and have a great Weekend!

September 6, 2012

New From Sheep Door, for the Mens Dept.

Hello Guys.
Great New round of the Mens Dept.
We guys don't have allot of events but i love this one, it seems each month better stuff is released there.
I am showing the Cropped Shirt from Sheep Door, also a girl version included.
Taxi - Mens Dept.
Other Credits:
Casual Chino pants - Epicosity.
Cairo shoes - Jeepers.

September 5, 2012

New from 22769 Couture, for the Mens Dept.

Ello Guys.
Tommorow a New cycle starting of the Men's Dept.
And the Dandy mesh jackets, are going be released there.
For a bargain price, make sure to check out these guys main shop, its a great store with orginal mesh.
4 Jackets to choose from, and they all have 5 Colour shirts included, and can also be worn without it.
And for a bargain price really 110ls.
Dandy mesh Jackets - 22769 for the Mens Dept.
Taxi to their mainstore - 22769 Casual Couture mainstore.

Executive Chino pants - Ispachi.
Black faded Tee - Guarded Cross.


New stuff from NotSoBad.

New releases from NotSoBad.
The Mason Tees which i am gonna show, and the Joris jeans.
At first i thought great jeans nice straight model.
BUTT the butt is showing half, so i passed on it, but maybe you will like them, and its to fix with a boxer.
The Tee i love really cool loose fit.
Hair Absp Brown - ink
Mason Tee - NotSoBad.
Paul blue mesh jeans - J.H.Couture.
Chukka Camel shoes - Harbor.
Prop & poses HISemo Balloon & HISpose mobile swag by HISpose.
Enjoy >:)

September 3, 2012

New Tableau Vivant exclusive Tanks for Fameshed.

New tanks from Tableau Vivant, exclusive made for Fameshed.
When you walk in go right a bit and look up.
There are Six to choose from , i like the loose model of them, and as you can see on One picture.
They are nice to combine with a Tee under, none mesh Tee's work great for that.
Outfit Credits:
Hair 35 - Dura.
Legit pants - Epicosity.
Chukka Shoes - Harbor.

September 1, 2012

To Beer or not to beer.

HISbeer poses - HISpose New!
Hair Inga - EMO-tions. New!
Jeans jacket - Sey.
Casual Chino - Epicosity. New!
Tee - Gio.
Ferracini Sneakers - Hoorenbeek.

Enjoy >:)